This work was in response to the material in the Tate Britain archive. Part of the work is a performance piece with Margarita Zafrilla Olayo that explores the body as an archive/battlefield. My project asked questions about how to archive a work that refuses to be archived. It is an experiment on how to document live art.
The project draws on Marcel Mauss’d research on body technique in 1950. Mauss argued that the body is a repository of the form of usage. Here the ‘body as an archive’ uses the materiality of the body to accumulate documents and then trace the knowledge stored back to the body.
The theory of dance, like memory, form bodies. German philosopher Marcus Steinweg said, “give me your material, and I will show you what you are not doing with it.” This project asks how we can redefine archival material and use embodied knowledge to bring it alive - actively performing dance history, reconstructing, and reimagining the lived experience.
Digital video/photography